I pinned this recipe from Jo and Sue awhile ago and thought I'd try it out, but with a few tweaks. I didn't want a strictly VEGGIE lasagna, as G likes to have protein with his meals and refuses to acknowledge that you can get protein without meat or tofu. But, whatever.
Here is my recipe, adapted from Jo and Sue.
- 3 large zucchini (FUN FACT: I totally had to google what the plural of zucchini is. It is, in fact, zucchini. Also, I had to spell check plural because I spelled that wrong, too. Plaural is not correct, FYI.)
- 1 package pork sausage (or ground turkey or ground beef, whatever you prefer)
- 1 package frozen spinach
- 1 large can crushed tomatoes (I used a 28 oz can and could have used more)
- Oregano
- Basil
- 1 tub ricotta cheese
- 1/2 package mozarella cheese
- Slice zucchini into thin strips. I used a mandolin because I registered for one for the wedding and figure I better use it. If you are more talented and less clumsy with a knife than I am, you can probably just do this by hand. Arrange the zucchini on baking sheets and bake at 425 for 5 minutes on each side. When they are done, lower the oven temp to 375
- As the zucchini strips are baking, brown your meat protein (in my case, pork sausage) in a pot. Once browned, add your package of frozen spinach and your can of crushed tomatoes. Add oregano and basil to taste. I use a 2:1 ration of oregano to basil. Make sure your meat sauce is fully cooked.
- When the zucchini strips are baked and your meat sauce is done, you are ready to assemble your lasagna. Place one layer of zucchini strips on the bottom of a baking dish and then cover with about 2 cups of meat sauce. Spread about half a cup of ricotta on top of the meat sauce, then sprinkle about 1/4 cup mozzarella on top. Then, do it again. When you have finished the second layer of cheese, add one more layer of zucchini strips with meat sauce and then sprinkle liberally with mozzarella. Unless you don't like mozzarella, in which case, be stingy. ;)
- I ended up with a 9x11 pan of lasagna and had enough leftover to also make an 8x8 pan. Basically, just use up what you have. Or make it in a 9x13 to begin with. Either way.
- Cover with foil and bake at 375 for 50 minutes. Then remove the foil and bake for another 10 mins. When you take it out of the oven, if it seems a little soupy let it sit for about 20 minutes to reabsorb some of the liquid.
- Serve on a plate and try not to eat yourself stupid. It will be difficult, because this is DELICIOUS.
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